Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Settlers of Catan

Settlers of Catan

The Bottom LineIf you like board games, you should play Settlers of Catan. It's a unique and tremendously fun gaming experience. Today, the game continues to be amazingly popular. The random board, constant player interaction, delicate mix of skill and luck, and quick play time (about 90 minutes) make Settlers a wonderful family game.

Players compete to build roads, settlements and cities on the island of Catan. The island is made up of a series of hexagons, which can be placed differently every game.

The basic goal is to earn victory points, which you do by expanding your settlement on the island. You need to gather resources (by producing them yourself, or by trading with your opponents) in order to expand. Trading with other players is a major focus of the game, creating constant interaction. If you've never tried Settlers of Catan, you're missing a stellar gaming experience. The basic board game can be enhanced with expansions, and a card game also is available.

5 out of 5

Settlers of Catan is my new favorite board game, Member Kartenet

I am a game lover from way back. My grown kids brought this one over to play last Christmas and since then i have gotten a board of my own plus i play online almost daily. This game is excellent with variable game play and an amazing level of replay quality. The only hitch is you need to enjoy games with in depth strategy and fluctuating game play.

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