Thursday, April 24, 2014

Grave Robbers From Outer Space

Grave Robbers From Outer Space

What's more fun than sitting around with your friends watching a bad B Movie? Sitting around with your friends, playing a card game about making bad B Movies! In 2001 Z Man Games launched their hit series of make your own bad movie games with Grave Robbers From Outer Space. Nine sequels have since followed and unlike actual movie sequels the quality has remained consistently good.

The games are simple, fun and can be combined or played independently. Each card has a word written upside down at the bottom. At the start of the game you deal six cards and make a title for your film. "Skeletons Massacre The Robot Master On Bone Mountain" for instance. After that, each player receives a hand of six cards and strives to make the best movie they can while trashing their opponents.

Cards come in six types; Locations, Creatures, Props, Characters, Special Effects, and Roll The Credits. All but FX cards and Roll The Credits have numbers in their upper left corners. On Creatures this is known as the Attack Strength. On the others it is the Defensive Strength. FX cards can be played at any time and have a mix of offensive and defensive uses.

The games are fast paced and loaded with low brow humor sure to appeal to any schlock cinema fan. The flavor text on the cards is hilarious and part of the fun is recognizing beloved characters from favorite films. "This, is my boom stick!"

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