Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Why would you uninstall cell phone that game ?

Many people on the phone are filled various software applications , and as new applications emerge , and some even have never been used in the software will be uninstalled, repeated again and again such circumstances, and these include some of the mobile games , of course, more people will first try after downloading something . According game Work , CNG in the study jointly released a new game " from October to December 2013 , China Mobile Game Industry Report" shows that as of the end of December 2013 , after being unloaded user mobile gaming products, 95.2 % were in the user unloaded after use .

New games CNG Research ( gamma data ) analysis , the first impression is often attract users to download the key to open the second impression is the key to keeping users in the game. Under normal circumstances, the use of the name of the game , icon , IP is the user 's first impression of the games , play into the game after worldview , user interface style will form a second impression. The reason why games after the user is uninstalled phenomenon , primarily due to the following factors:

1, the gameplay is too simple

Currently , mobile games played on the market a single product still exists. Course of the game puzzle, and interest and other design factors change , the general is the key to attracting users . Therefore, the game only game scenes and meet user demand novel gameplay , allowing users to get intoxicated dripping cool feeling .

2 , false or misleading propaganda dislocation

Game makers often exaggerated or deceitful propaganda , in order to mislead game enthusiasts , so import user traffic. In the long run , this behavior will undoubtedly dampen the enthusiasm of the user , is not conducive to the healthy growth of the subsequent games .

3 , the game pay excessive pressure

Part of the game in the user experience in the process appears users "layered" phenomenon, that free users and paid subscribers , paying customers small and " Tyrant " user capability gap . Free users and small pay- pressure in front of paying customers , it is difficult to obtain a higher level and skills , thus gradually lose interest , or even give up the game.

4 , the game takes too long to load

Part of the game in order to enhance the user into a sense and realism , often exquisite workmanship, fine design . For example , art frame is too large, often causing the game to load too slowly ; communications framework performance is not high , can not distinguish between the maximum and the network connection is established data transceiver , resulting in slow load . However, for a game , the user's attitude is more urgent , long load times the game will dispel such enthusiasm of users, allowing users to lose patience to wait .

5 , unfinished game production

There are many commercially produced unfinished rush to market the game, similar to games in the course of the user experience will be a lot suited. For example : Not fully localized game , understanding different cultural backgrounds would be more distressed users to play together . Meanwhile, the game is not finished easily exist BUG other hazards affecting the user's actual game experience .

After the 2013 outbreak , mobile games although on the surface appears to be a vitality , in fact, the product gradually increased along with the market , product homogeneity and a negative phenomenon " cottage" , "infringement " and another, from a year industry copyright dispute frequent seen. And before being swept page tour vulgar propaganda , seems to have his head fell on hand tour of these flashy, essentially abandoned the practice game , ultimately resulting in a first impression and the second between players impressed drop significantly , after the experience of the game and select Uninstall it for granted.

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