Sunday, February 23, 2014

Phone card being lost 6.1 billion loss report retroactive online game coins disappeared

Zhejiang Online February 21 hearing yesterday, Haishu District Prosecutor's Office indicted the three young men, they use a fake ID to someone else's phone number to report the loss, and then apply for a new card with a phone number and then go to sub-binding account of the game 6100000000 game currency, selling more than 20 million. Prosecutors said that now many people are using mobile wallet, if the phone suddenly appear abnormal to be extra vigilant.

6100000000 game currency stolen

Little Gu liked online games, I usually play games to earn game currency. In addition, he will buy from the hands of some other game currency sub sold to other people, because a lot of gamers know little care, his game currency trading business is good, and some players often missing medal to him Some online shopping game currency. By the time the end of July 2013, she saved a small Gu game account in the medal has 6.1 billion.

In the same year on August 11, little care somehow found the phone number can not be used, he thought the signal failure, did not care too much. Wait until the home Internet, he found the game account login not go up. Little Gu flustered, guess account stolen.

Because the account password changed by others, and later, he spent a great perspicacity to retrieve your password, but found that 2.3 billion game coins disappeared. In desperation, he hastened to report.

After thinking it little care, but also the value of their home game currency after a lot of money, I usually use their account number to log phone game site, not much attention to safety, the next time you want to be careful, he changed his mother's phone number login game account.

He never imagined that a few days later found his game account and login does not go up, this time, 3.8 billion medal was stolen. Little care once again report.

Phone card was retroactive loss report

After receiving the report, the public security organs through technical investigation found a clue, grab a steal little care medal three suspects. One of them is also a gamer, know little care selling game currency, eyeing little care.

They play with the first game by taking care of a small real name, and then a little care to buy online identity information, address, phone number, etc., there is little care with hundreds of the same name, they gradually narrow the scope of the final selection a.

Then they handed down according to the information of a fake identity card, and then use this fake identity card to report the loss of a small operating room care phone number and new card, and then use this new phone card re-set small Gu password in the network game. In this way, the easy care of 2.3 billion small game currency stolen.

Since then, they found little care game account changed, replaced by a strange phone number. Because they still had a little care an online purchase identity information, cell phone number, etc., a control and found this strange phone number corresponding to the use of the name, and then based on this information, and then the same means to steal a little care The 3.8 billion game currency.

They will be sold to others these games currency, profit more than 20 million.

According to prosecutors handling the case, the medal although private property is not in the traditional sense, but with a "use value" and "value" shall be regarded as "property" of the criminal law sense. Virtual property is also the property, steal online game coins for sale, still constitutes theft. According to relevant laws and regulations, conduct three young people should deal with theft.

Yesterday, stealing little care medal three young people have been prosecuted for theft.

There are loopholes in the identity verification

Reporters learned that, in fact, it may be more than three people stealing little care one game account, because other victims did not report difficult to identify. In this regard, the prosecutor said, the phone function is abnormal, no service should be extra vigilant to prevent losses.

"Some towns in the operating room communications companies lack the means to verify identity, giving criminals an opportunity." Zhang prosecutor handling the case said that in this case, three suspects do a fake ID After the operating room in the city is very difficult to go through each other's phone number to report the loss, the operating room because the city has the second-generation ID card validators, but a number of towns in the operating room, but not with this validator. They then went to the operating room in remote towns with a fake ID to someone else's phone number to report the loss and re-submit.

Zhang prosecutor told reporters that last year, there have also been calls to the bank criminals will be replaced with someone else's phone number yourself, put money in the bank card to turn away cases. Then the prosecution made a proposal to the banking system, and now the bank has strict procedures to replace the phone number, blocked the loophole. "This time, we are ready to give the Attorney General Communications Inc. issued a similar proposal."

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