Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Melody game " arcade Journey" on-line version adhere to the fine road

In the past 2013 , China and the rapid expansion of mobile game market continues to heat up , with the further improvement of network and handset hardware development environment , competition hand travel market in 2014 will still be very tough to choose what kind of hand travel theme , ID , the type of a problem play each game developers and operators must be carefully considered, perhaps from the Journey arcade game can see some clues !
The past year has been called hand travel " card first year" , with the open end of the year 2013 the 4G era , faster speeds will lead to more severe the game to enter the market , replacing the absolute dominance of card games , Therefore , the industry believes that this year will be the first year of prosperity hand travel RPG , aside " mild " games and "heavy" this game is better in the field of online gaming has always been tough questions do not say , but also the change of the type of game let us see the players for high- quality and diverse game play pursuit.

In this case , the music in the game with many years of operating experience and mobile gaming habits of players keen insight , launched its first mobile games arcade fighting theme " arcade Journey ." The RPG hand travel features and integrate classic arcade gameplay , rich game systems and gameplay , excellent picture quality and skills of special effects , a variety of PVP and other interactive content , a huge game story experience, " Arcade Journey" by virtue of superior quality of the game in the open test a few days after paying the conversion rate of 6 % ​​-8 % , retained the next day reached 40 %.

Excellent quality of the game is important, but the real success of a game , but also due to operator demand for players insight and precise control of the content of the game . Since " arcade Journey" to start the first test to now , the game the team has been working to optimize and enrich the content of the game players experience , and stimulate the players through a lot of games and activities sticky , the real benefit to the players , to experience the easiest and most original games fun.

Fan Weihong , director of marketing music to the game description: " Hand tour behind the rapid expansion of the market , is also facing pay rate of less than 2% of the overall embarrassing situation , because the official has a high-quality game content , " Arcade Journey " to be able to gather a large number of high-quality the game users , 40% of the day retained , 6% -8% conversion rate of pay testament to the quality of the game really strong and we will continue to adhere to the fine road game , the game continued to be optimized by the quality and gameplay , service to win , while in 2014 we will have more different types of games on-line soon , I hope you look forward to . "

In a time when horses , music to games in hand heavily sought quality tourism resources but also wide to battle , we are inviting outstanding people to join , and in 2014 the situation is still surging hand field trips , opportunities and challenges, only to high-quality games as the core gamers demand, in order to be fearless in the upcoming trend of the market .

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