Thursday, February 27, 2014

" Tony Hawk skateboarding " new work will be listed within this pure mobile games

    A week ago, we reported that " Tony Hawk skateboarding (Tony Hawk's Pro Skater)" may return a message , the source is Tony Hawk himself. Recently, the big mouth Skate superstar revealed the news again , " Tony Hawk skateboarding " The new operation will be a pure mobile games , the results let you down yet ?

    "We are making a mobile game ." Nickname " Mr. 900 ," the American household limit skateboard superstar Tony Hawk said, " a pure mobile game , available this year ."

    "We 've never done an exclusive landing mobile platform game , it is very exciting to me and now people use mobile phones and tablet with too much time playing games , and we 've never been to this area and now, the moment finally to . "

    " Tony Hawk skateboarding " series since the beginning of 1999, launch , Activision has issued . This game giant had also confirmed the existence of new work .

    " We did a project in collaboration with Tony Hawk , more information will soon be announced ."

    In fact, this result is not surprising , as early as last year , 900 had hinted Mr. " Tony Hawk skateboarding " new work may be landed phone platform, because " too many players on this platform ."

    "You have to adapt to the players , they go where you go . Past , Nintendo and PlayStation have the final say , but now too many hardware products , so we must learn to adapt ...... In fact, I want a cell phone game ."

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Melody game " arcade Journey" on-line version adhere to the fine road

In the past 2013 , China and the rapid expansion of mobile game market continues to heat up , with the further improvement of network and handset hardware development environment , competition hand travel market in 2014 will still be very tough to choose what kind of hand travel theme , ID , the type of a problem play each game developers and operators must be carefully considered, perhaps from the Journey arcade game can see some clues !
The past year has been called hand travel " card first year" , with the open end of the year 2013 the 4G era , faster speeds will lead to more severe the game to enter the market , replacing the absolute dominance of card games , Therefore , the industry believes that this year will be the first year of prosperity hand travel RPG , aside " mild " games and "heavy" this game is better in the field of online gaming has always been tough questions do not say , but also the change of the type of game let us see the players for high- quality and diverse game play pursuit.

In this case , the music in the game with many years of operating experience and mobile gaming habits of players keen insight , launched its first mobile games arcade fighting theme " arcade Journey ." The RPG hand travel features and integrate classic arcade gameplay , rich game systems and gameplay , excellent picture quality and skills of special effects , a variety of PVP and other interactive content , a huge game story experience, " Arcade Journey" by virtue of superior quality of the game in the open test a few days after paying the conversion rate of 6 % ​​-8 % , retained the next day reached 40 %.

Excellent quality of the game is important, but the real success of a game , but also due to operator demand for players insight and precise control of the content of the game . Since " arcade Journey" to start the first test to now , the game the team has been working to optimize and enrich the content of the game players experience , and stimulate the players through a lot of games and activities sticky , the real benefit to the players , to experience the easiest and most original games fun.

Fan Weihong , director of marketing music to the game description: " Hand tour behind the rapid expansion of the market , is also facing pay rate of less than 2% of the overall embarrassing situation , because the official has a high-quality game content , " Arcade Journey " to be able to gather a large number of high-quality the game users , 40% of the day retained , 6% -8% conversion rate of pay testament to the quality of the game really strong and we will continue to adhere to the fine road game , the game continued to be optimized by the quality and gameplay , service to win , while in 2014 we will have more different types of games on-line soon , I hope you look forward to . "

In a time when horses , music to games in hand heavily sought quality tourism resources but also wide to battle , we are inviting outstanding people to join , and in 2014 the situation is still surging hand field trips , opportunities and challenges, only to high-quality games as the core gamers demand, in order to be fearless in the upcoming trend of the market .

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Phone card being lost 6.1 billion loss report retroactive online game coins disappeared

Zhejiang Online February 21 hearing yesterday, Haishu District Prosecutor's Office indicted the three young men, they use a fake ID to someone else's phone number to report the loss, and then apply for a new card with a phone number and then go to sub-binding account of the game 6100000000 game currency, selling more than 20 million. Prosecutors said that now many people are using mobile wallet, if the phone suddenly appear abnormal to be extra vigilant.

6100000000 game currency stolen

Little Gu liked online games, I usually play games to earn game currency. In addition, he will buy from the hands of some other game currency sub sold to other people, because a lot of gamers know little care, his game currency trading business is good, and some players often missing medal to him Some online shopping game currency. By the time the end of July 2013, she saved a small Gu game account in the medal has 6.1 billion.

In the same year on August 11, little care somehow found the phone number can not be used, he thought the signal failure, did not care too much. Wait until the home Internet, he found the game account login not go up. Little Gu flustered, guess account stolen.

Because the account password changed by others, and later, he spent a great perspicacity to retrieve your password, but found that 2.3 billion game coins disappeared. In desperation, he hastened to report.

After thinking it little care, but also the value of their home game currency after a lot of money, I usually use their account number to log phone game site, not much attention to safety, the next time you want to be careful, he changed his mother's phone number login game account.

He never imagined that a few days later found his game account and login does not go up, this time, 3.8 billion medal was stolen. Little care once again report.

Phone card was retroactive loss report

After receiving the report, the public security organs through technical investigation found a clue, grab a steal little care medal three suspects. One of them is also a gamer, know little care selling game currency, eyeing little care.

They play with the first game by taking care of a small real name, and then a little care to buy online identity information, address, phone number, etc., there is little care with hundreds of the same name, they gradually narrow the scope of the final selection a.

Then they handed down according to the information of a fake identity card, and then use this fake identity card to report the loss of a small operating room care phone number and new card, and then use this new phone card re-set small Gu password in the network game. In this way, the easy care of 2.3 billion small game currency stolen.

Since then, they found little care game account changed, replaced by a strange phone number. Because they still had a little care an online purchase identity information, cell phone number, etc., a control and found this strange phone number corresponding to the use of the name, and then based on this information, and then the same means to steal a little care The 3.8 billion game currency.

They will be sold to others these games currency, profit more than 20 million.

According to prosecutors handling the case, the medal although private property is not in the traditional sense, but with a "use value" and "value" shall be regarded as "property" of the criminal law sense. Virtual property is also the property, steal online game coins for sale, still constitutes theft. According to relevant laws and regulations, conduct three young people should deal with theft.

Yesterday, stealing little care medal three young people have been prosecuted for theft.

There are loopholes in the identity verification

Reporters learned that, in fact, it may be more than three people stealing little care one game account, because other victims did not report difficult to identify. In this regard, the prosecutor said, the phone function is abnormal, no service should be extra vigilant to prevent losses.

"Some towns in the operating room communications companies lack the means to verify identity, giving criminals an opportunity." Zhang prosecutor handling the case said that in this case, three suspects do a fake ID After the operating room in the city is very difficult to go through each other's phone number to report the loss, the operating room because the city has the second-generation ID card validators, but a number of towns in the operating room, but not with this validator. They then went to the operating room in remote towns with a fake ID to someone else's phone number to report the loss and re-submit.

Zhang prosecutor told reporters that last year, there have also been calls to the bank criminals will be replaced with someone else's phone number yourself, put money in the bank card to turn away cases. Then the prosecution made a proposal to the banking system, and now the bank has strict procedures to replace the phone number, blocked the loophole. "This time, we are ready to give the Attorney General Communications Inc. issued a similar proposal."

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Play burst your phone " arcade Journey" Four Features Fun Arcade

For 80 later said , arcade classic we can never forget , are full of memories. Now, relive the classic , no rejuvenation ! " Arcade Journey " four featured content , so you Fun Arcade, line and enjoyment !

As a cross-action games, arcade in order to allow players to once again bring us memorable and touching blood , " arcade Journey" in the battle mode of operation using a virtual joystick buttons plus the skills and battle mode without locking the left of the screen buttons to move the player can control a virtual joystick on the right key and click the button to release the skills skills, familiar arcade mode of operation to prepare a feast of wild fighting for your fingers.

Journey to the West , the monk after Hong eighty-one mentoring difficult , all the way to the demon slayer , and eventually became immortal. In the " arcade Journey ", the town of demon tower so that you can play with the brightest demons showdown ! Town of demon tower brings together a variety of powerful monsters in the game , and can produce a variety of high -quality materials and equipment , a unique record checkpoints can accurately record their record , highlighting their strength.

PVP play is one of the elements " arcade Journey" is very important , in addition to conventional PVP interaction , the game also set up play fighting war shrine , a day at a specific period of time , players can enter the fighting war shrine , the system will be based on the player the combat automatically match the right opponent to play against , and an award , which is the ultimate source of the equipment of the game.

Arcade games greatest pleasure is constantly pushing the limits and challenge themselves . " Arcade Journey" for the players to prepare a variety of copy modes , limited copies , copies of instant kill , elite BOSS copy of a copy , and so many people together with diverse types of random copy of a copy of the animal organs , supplies and other combat events , a variety of BOSS lifelike monsters and all sorts of challenges will give players a wealth of content .

Relive the arcade classic, adjourned once moved. Amusement arcade fighting first hand " arcade Journey" hot for open beta , like West theme, like the arcade fighting gamers may wish to try to come to a bar !

" Arcade Journey" is a fun game exclusive worldwide agent to a cross-action epic class mobile network games , relying on the Journey Stories in this huge , " Arcade Journey" perfect reproduction of the arcade era " Journey Buddhism adversity biography" of this classic, unparalleled gorgeous tricks , different characteristics of evil demons, infinite combo , full spike , to show you a different Journey world ! colorful characteristics of play , multiplayer copy , fighting war shrine , BOSS call, to give you a high standard of visual enjoyment !

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Why would you uninstall cell phone that game ?

Many people on the phone are filled various software applications , and as new applications emerge , and some even have never been used in the software will be uninstalled, repeated again and again such circumstances, and these include some of the mobile games , of course, more people will first try after downloading something . According game Work , CNG in the study jointly released a new game " from October to December 2013 , China Mobile Game Industry Report" shows that as of the end of December 2013 , after being unloaded user mobile gaming products, 95.2 % were in the user unloaded after use .

New games CNG Research ( gamma data ) analysis , the first impression is often attract users to download the key to open the second impression is the key to keeping users in the game. Under normal circumstances, the use of the name of the game , icon , IP is the user 's first impression of the games , play into the game after worldview , user interface style will form a second impression. The reason why games after the user is uninstalled phenomenon , primarily due to the following factors:

1, the gameplay is too simple

Currently , mobile games played on the market a single product still exists. Course of the game puzzle, and interest and other design factors change , the general is the key to attracting users . Therefore, the game only game scenes and meet user demand novel gameplay , allowing users to get intoxicated dripping cool feeling .

2 , false or misleading propaganda dislocation

Game makers often exaggerated or deceitful propaganda , in order to mislead game enthusiasts , so import user traffic. In the long run , this behavior will undoubtedly dampen the enthusiasm of the user , is not conducive to the healthy growth of the subsequent games .

3 , the game pay excessive pressure

Part of the game in the user experience in the process appears users "layered" phenomenon, that free users and paid subscribers , paying customers small and " Tyrant " user capability gap . Free users and small pay- pressure in front of paying customers , it is difficult to obtain a higher level and skills , thus gradually lose interest , or even give up the game.

4 , the game takes too long to load

Part of the game in order to enhance the user into a sense and realism , often exquisite workmanship, fine design . For example , art frame is too large, often causing the game to load too slowly ; communications framework performance is not high , can not distinguish between the maximum and the network connection is established data transceiver , resulting in slow load . However, for a game , the user's attitude is more urgent , long load times the game will dispel such enthusiasm of users, allowing users to lose patience to wait .

5 , unfinished game production

There are many commercially produced unfinished rush to market the game, similar to games in the course of the user experience will be a lot suited. For example : Not fully localized game , understanding different cultural backgrounds would be more distressed users to play together . Meanwhile, the game is not finished easily exist BUG other hazards affecting the user's actual game experience .

After the 2013 outbreak , mobile games although on the surface appears to be a vitality , in fact, the product gradually increased along with the market , product homogeneity and a negative phenomenon " cottage" , "infringement " and another, from a year industry copyright dispute frequent seen. And before being swept page tour vulgar propaganda , seems to have his head fell on hand tour of these flashy, essentially abandoned the practice game , ultimately resulting in a first impression and the second between players impressed drop significantly , after the experience of the game and select Uninstall it for granted.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

True eight-core gaming phone snail customized version of TCL idol X + S960 hardware evaluation

The day before yesterday we enjoyed a snail with a customized version of TCL idol X + S960 appearance, today , we will carry out some machine's hardware configuration evaluation . Snail customized version of TCL idol X + S960 uses a 5-inch IPS screen , screen resolution of 1920x1080 pixels , ppi up to 441 , higher than the retina screen standards. MediaTek processor selected MT 6592 eight-core processor speeds up to 2048MHz, complemented by 2GB of RAM and 16GB of storage space body , configured to meet the needs of the vast majority of applications .

Bunny ran sub- sectors in the security , snails customized version of TCL idol X + S960 reached a staggering 30,901 points, far more than the red rice , Meizu MX3 other mainstream low-end phones , and millet 3 , Huawei glory 3X score similar , are the industry's flagship level .

Top view of the device from running , snails customized version TCL idol X + S960 score even higher than the Samsung Galaxy S4, HTC One other international flagship smartphone maker machine . Among them, the multi-tasking capability of 5486 points , CPU integer performance up to 5303 points. Overall, in the running of links, snail customized version TCL idol X + S960 worthy of the " game Artifact " label .

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Entertainment artifact Apple iPhone 5S only 4,399 yuan in Chongqing

Apple released the iPhone 5S is a flagship new aircraft in the iPhone 5 on the basis of improved processor and camera , and adds fingerprint recognition sensor , a huge upgrade , but also one of the first aircraft to mainland China. Apple is currently in the dealer 5S "zero Digital ( Jiangbei Branch ) " Price 4399 yuan , a friend might like to know about.

Apple iPhone 5S is still equipped with a 4 -inch screen with a resolution of 1136x640 pixels remain , but the built-in software upgrade is still very large , processor upgrade to 64 -bit A7 processor , so iPhone5S has become one of the world's first 64-bit processing has 's intelligent machines , and has an M7 assist processor for monitoring compass, gyroscope and other sports data, the application can determine the user's status accordingly .

iPhone 5s fingerprint sensors are integrated into the phone's HOME key , support 360 ° identification , in addition to iPhone 5S is also equipped with a new 800 -pixel main camera , aperture f2.2, an area larger than the sensor before the iPhone 5 on 15 % , the effective pixel area and the Nokia Lumia 1020 camera is the same . iPhone 5s Nokia phones also have similar anti-shake function , through continuous shooting multiple photos , to synthesize the best shot .

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Talking about who is the best partner that something games and equipment

Section 1 : Tablet or mobile phones to play games in the end finding out the first two : enthusiasts who love cool 3D game finished the first 3 : Who is the most popular social game dominated Page 4: Multi- element manipulation difficult to play online games should gnaw election

    I believe many of my friends are very tangled one thing is since we have a smart phone, it is also necessary to buy a platform computer? In addition to bias in office beyond Windows Tablet , Android Tablet and iPad tablet partial entertaining product differentiation in terms of systems and smart phones which really is not very big, it can be said in terms of functionality not as smart phones. But nearly two years of flat products in it proved increasingly popular demand is still very high , especially with the advent of call flat , flat projection , children and some other purpose tablet tablet product , is to let the Tablet PC has become a mobile phone, after the computer people indispensable third piece of digital products.

    With the popular smart phones, tablet PCs such mobile devices , also led the entire band mobile gaming industry growing Xiangrong . I believe as long as it currently has more than one friend two digital products , some will install twelve games in them. For some gamers , the game is not filled with the memory card is a new thing . You can say that there are a lot of games are compatible with mobile phones and tablet computers , then use the device to play the game in the end both gentile which experience better?

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Mobile game "onslaught of giant" officially launched in Japan

February 10 news: "onslaught of giant" mobile game has been released. Game "onslaught of giant roar toward freedom," issued by the DeNA, now officially in the launch of the mobile platform in Japan, free download operation.

Visible through the video, the game play like "Clash of Clans", players will try to build their own city, and the need to create a variety of defensive measures, and well-trained troops, the Giants defense before attacking.

The work is well-known anime "onslaught of giant" worldview design new games, such as the role of the original in popularity even · Ai Ye card, Mika Sha · Ackerman, Revie, etc. will show up in the game, in addition to the work also adds some mysterious original role.