Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Tibet, China Mobile has released the first elements of Tibetan culture to the world of mobile games

    Xinhua Tibet Channel January 22 electrical Tibet China Mobile Communications Group Limited and related Culturecom Holdings , the global market release of the first 10 at the Hong Kong -based mobile games Tibetan cultural elements " ran Everest " by moving Internet dissemination of Tibetan culture and art .

    This can be in the Android and Apple systems running parkour class mobile games, is owned by China Mobile Limited and Tibet Interfax Group Ucan joint research and development company . " Ran Everest " character from the game to the background environment , etc. , adding a large number of Tibetan natural scenery and customs elements, Tibet's real, real computer generated three-dimensional technology.

    Ucan mobile division president Wu Haifeng , the " ran Everest " is not just a cell phone cool running game, it is a mobile, gamification community and business platform for the game as a social , shopping, sightseeing , and sharing interface, integration of regional culture , travel, music , animation and other content.

    Posted by reporters at the scene saw the demo , " ran Everest " during the game players are seen in the landscape such as Lhasa in Tibet , Nyingchi reality real, Potala Palace , Mount Everest in sight. Players can not only understand Tibet 's culture, scenery, but also to achieve download coupons , travel booking, purchasing and other e-commerce functionality through art game scene .

    In addition, players during the game can also be social interaction , access to places of tourist travel , Raiders, always see details corresponding to the real game scene scenery to share with other players in a virtual reality scenario, dating , shopping.

    Wang , deputy general manager of China Mobile Tibet company introduced a long sleep song , " ran Everest " to create a new game revenue model . No business can disturb the smooth advertising information implanted into the game scenes and services go , players can get better gaming performance by purchasing props, services, user interaction and visual behavior to reduce interference.

    Wu Haifeng said that the global mobile Internet users has more than 1.3 billion in 2013 , with the development of Chinese culture to accelerate the spread of mobile Internet to the world , as Hong Kong's cultural and creative enterprises , Ucan obligation and responsibility to better promote Chinese culture to the world from Hong Kong .

    He said the source of precious Tibetan culture , for joint cooperation the joint Intellectual Property Exchange of Hong Kong specifically to ensure that " ran Everest ," the better protection of intellectual property rights on a global scale .

    Group Managing Director Culturecom key Cong , general manager , said China Mobile has a huge customer base in the mainland and Hong Kong , plus Ucan in the overseas market influence on the " ran Everest " create new consumption patterns confident .

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