Wednesday, March 19, 2014

PayPal Broadens the Horizons of its Mobile Payment System

PayPal Broadens the Horizons of its Mobile Payment System

PayPal today announced its new partnership with ERPLY, with which it will offer more mobile payment options within the retail industry. Using these features, customers can check in to stores and make their payment directly with their PayPal account.

This means that they will no longer need cash or credit cards to make a payment at these retail stores.

Before they enter the store, customers will have to first state that they would like to check in to the store with Pay Pal's iPhone app. The customer will receive receipts of payments made via email.

While all this sounds great on paper, it may still take a while before retail stores and customers get used to using this new system. At the moment, PayPal says that it has already signed on 15 such retail outlets. The company expects this number to increase substantially in the coming few months.

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